For some weird reason I ate so much salad at home this week.
And actually, I drank very little this week. I didn't actually accomplish anything while not-drinking, but it's a start.
I think because I made the salad and put it in a container. So easy to get at. Plus I make a super-easy-delicious dressing for it:
some mustard
some lemon juice
some oil
some vinegar
some maple syrup
some italian seasoning
some salt and pepper
mix together = delicious
Also, I'm in love with that plate. I know I said I wanted blue and gold tableware but stuff like this is fully acceptable as well. So beautiful...
Man, I had a really nice time last night. We all ended up at Nirvana (god it's so cheap there!) and it was such a strange mix of people like a bunch of little groups all joined together. But lots of people that I like very much. That's my ultimate favourite kind of gathering! I love budz. I love budz making friends with other budz.
Winners has so much awesome Christmas shit!


want. sorry this is blurry, I was taking photos with my phone while waiting for Noodle to come and meet me. Good thing she got there I was close to buying up the store for myself.

want pretty much anything with a tasteful snowflake print on it. I LOVE SNOWFLAKES, in case you were wondering.

I've wanted ornaments like these for quite some time and no one's gotten them for me!!!!!

I am in love with all these little Christmas boxes with Christmas soaps and things. So, so pretty. Pretty pretty pretty. Want want want. Want more Christmas soaps.

My apartment is always decorated a bit for Christmas but I'm doing up all the FULL-ON-PARTY-TOWN decorations these days. Fairy lights all the way around the room. Nothing like lying around under the fairy lights at night listening to choral Christmas music. (sighhhh)

Tomorrow I'm hosting my very first grown-up dinner party for adults. I mean, we won't be able to all sit at a table since I don't have one big enough.. but.. close. Close to a grown-up dinner party.
It is for my mixtape club. Mixtape club is exactly what it sounds like except it's CDs.
Whoever hosts the meeting makes a mix CD based around a theme and also a dinner based around the theme. My theme is Christmas. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, you can't be in mixtape club, it is very exclusive. Buuuuuuut I'm thinking everyone should come over for post-dinner cocktails tomorrow. Wantto????

I have a lot a lot to do for it still. And instead I'm sitting around in my pajamas. That's vaguely okay because I am not feeling all too well. But I'm going to finish this chai lattee and pony up and get this show on the road in the very near future.
Less than a month until I go home and I hope there's still snow when I get there I am so ready for a winter wonderland! Maybe Niki will go tobogganing with me!