
take me up in your hot air balloon and feed me cotton candy

Haha the girl below me has been practicing "Wayne" by Chantal Krevizuk non-stop all afternoon.
(It won't let me embed, but here's the link to the video for the song, obviously before Chantal started doing those Nutrisse hair colour commercials.)

I know for a fact that it is not a piano that she is playing downstairs, but rather a large keyboard. Which means that she could, in fact, turn it the fuck down. No, she could. Or wear headphones to practice.
She plays it pretty much all afternoons. Lovely. It really only bothers me sometimes.

It's funny how long I've lived in this house and how little I interact with my neighbors. I only made friends with the girls who lived below after they moved out. I spoke with the new basement girl yesterday briefly, she seemed nice enough.
I still have it out for the ones just below me though, that one is always so awkward and rude to me.
So much house dram that I'm never a part of. Apparently everyone thinks that everyone else makes way too much noise except me. Apart from the keyboard playing I really never hear anything.

Apparently in (parts of?) Italy, once you've rented your apartment for 5 years then you own it.
I would totally almost own this attic. That would be wild. But I did the math and if all of the people renting all of the apartments had been paying the mortgage for five years instead of rent then they could totally own the house.
So much money!

Okay. I'm going to get out of bed.

I've been watching 30 Rock from the beginning and it's making it hard to get anything else done. Pretty addicting and pretty great.
You should probably watch it too.