
booked my trip to make my flight

that's me alright

Booked my flight back to Saskatoon for the 16th. Damn you Air Canada, you won out on this one... I'm hoping Westjet pulls through for my flight back.. keep on checking.

It snowed today! It was very slippery and I didn't notice until tonight, but one of my favourite cowboy boots is cracked right across the sole, traps snow up in there very, very well. Good thing for those sorels I bought.

It's totally Christmas in full-swing. Pretty exciting, and even though I was fully expecting it, it's still kind of exciting.

christmas christmas

there's lights!!

Went to Value Village today with my friend who probably needs a nickname on here but I don't really know what to call him... How about Deck? More than obvious and lame, but whatever. So I made Deck drive me to Value Village and it was slippery and we skidded a bit, oh winter driving - the fun!!
And his family isn't exchanging gifts this year so he didn't even have any shopping to really, except I wanted him to get a Christmas sweater. But VV was totally picked over in that dept. Silly hipsters, stealing all my cool things.
But I got a few things, namely new shoes and an iron and a mini-ironing-board.
Can cross that off my Christmas list I guess. Sorry if you already got that for me.
I just needed it right away for my projects.
Projects I need to get onto.

I cleaned up the house a bit tonight kind out of the blue, I mean, I didn't mean to, it just sort of happened. Which is v nice.
And then I made this video to prove that Rudyard Kitling is a prime athlete. I hope she get spons'd in Fetch soon.

The best is when I accidentally hit her in the nose on the second throw or so. And also how nutso she looks. What a charmer.
A charming, charming charmer who needs to spend WAY less time scratching at the door or in the litter box (45 minutes - tooo long) in the middle of the night.
Still cute though.
I guess.