Sorry guys I've been using up my writing skills over on private blog, writing about things you could never even dream of...
My camera is broken!
Something is wrong with the LCD screen!
It still takes pictures but won't show them to me or show me what setting I'm changing.
It's like analog all over again!!
I'm not getting worked up about it because I do not get worked up about material possessions. I just can't. Already worked up about everything else.
Before it broke I made this video:
I know, my life is VERY exciting.
I had my first audition yesterday in aaaaaaages. No, really, I thought they'd just stopped existing. And it was the longest wait I've ever had. It was kind of wild. I was there for almost 2 whole hours. Just waiting.
They were trying to cast 2 kids and 1 baby so it was flipping packed in there. And like a zoo. Just crazy.
Of course my friend showed up right after I was done my audition, couldn't have come earlier to keep my company, but she ended up being there two hours as well. Nutso!
Whatever, I think they have to pay us if the audition is over an hour.
My shift got cancelled last night and it was a good thing because I never would've made it there in time, I was busy waiting and waiting and waiting around.
And eyeing up babies.
There were a couple I wanted to steal quite badly...
I worked with this girl the other day who is 24 (like me!) and just had a baby and we were talking about it and stuff and I was all "I want a baby!!!" and she was all "Have one! They're great!!!" and then I said "Man, I can't even hold down a relationship" and she was all "Men are useless!"
Stupid bad influence. Up to no good, that's what she was. She just wanted another mum to hang out with and take the babies to the community centres and stuff with.
Also she said that she partied all the time before the baby but that she doesn't miss it really and she feels like she had her go.
That's why I party-all-the-time these days, get all my partying in and not regret missing out on anything.
Good thing Mum says I'm not allowed to have babies while I live in Toronto.
There is so little time left before Christmas!
I need a serious shopping day, not to mention some serious craft sessions. Like mad.
Luckily it looks like I'm going to be working a lot more, cutting into my prep time!
But hey guys, my mood is still ever so much better than it had been lately.... And I'm so willing to get behind that.
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