

It was snowing when I woke up, fat flakes outside my window.
Kind of nice.

There's nothing that I have to do today!
I'm excited. Feeling guilty that I don't have enough jobs and stuff, but, you know.
Haven't had an audition in a year, feeling kind of hopeless.
Still depressed.
I need more going on in my life.

I'm either going to go to Value Village or I'm going to go do laundry. Ideally both, but you know me.
I'll probably end up lying around all day instead. But that's kind of fine, too.

I made a video of Rudyard Kitling playing catch and fetch but it's very long and I want to edit it and put music to it but then I realized I don't have imovie on this comp and I've never edited anything in my natural born life, so you'll probably never see it.
Which is for the best because my house is messy.

But here she is sleeping beside me:
pay attention to me