one month and one day until Christmas!
Haha the cat constantly gets her claws stuck in things. She is clueless about claws, srsly, she has lived her whole live with claws, you'd think she'd get better at getting them out of things.

Her back claws are in the carpet.

I'm sick again, my monthly cold. I've even been taking my vitamins (including D, which is maybe why my mood is a bit better). I have no voice and I'm stuffed up as hell. But it's def not the worst cold of this season even.
Still sucking. Still deserve to spend my day in bed drinking juice.

Had dinner at Pho Hung last night with Deer, I want to eat there again and again. I keep thinking about those vermicelli and spring rolls. No, seriously,I can't get it out of my mind.
Hmm. Maybe I should eat something today.
Then went on a fun double-date to the Toronto Sketch Festival to see Uncalled For and Dance Party of Newfoundland.
I last saw Uncalled For at the Saskatoon Fringe a couple of years ago where they did an improv show which killed me and so it was extra nice to see them do a sketch show. Such good acting and dialogue and quick, quick wit. My favourite kind of funny.
And Dance Party I saw last year at the Sketch Fest (they won Best in Fest) and I've thought about them many times since then. Many times. This year overall I liked their set slightly less (I missed their one absent/replaced member) and I found one of the sketches unfunny/slight offensive, but they were still very very awesome and one sketch about cats seriously murdered me. My friend and I were practically on the floor about it. I couldn't breathe for laughing so hard.
But then I really like cats. So, you know.
I found this (poor quality) video of one of my favourite sketches that they did last year and not this year:
Old Timey Law Talking
I love love love love love love love love laughing. I love it so so hard.
Not to point out the obvious or anything.
Then we went to Sneaky Dee's for Wavelength to see Sports!

And it was fun. And I didn't really dance. But I did drink a couple Grolsch. So, win some lose some.

The weather looks nasty out, I am not convinced at all that I will leave my house today. It's so deliciously cozy over here. And there's a kitten on my feet, so....
I might clean it up a bit around here though, coziness is most enjoyable when it's also tidy.
Oh God, who am I? Someone lame, looks like.