
Dedicated to WIN

Wow, it's remarkable how fun being in a good mood is.
Which is not to say that the last few days have been stress-free...
But I feel like something's shifted a bit inside and I'm just feeling good. More frequently than I have in awhile, at least.

And holy hell is working in service way easier in a good mood. Like a billion times easier. Man, I really like my job and I like mocking customers and getting flirted with and big tips and feeling like my return customers are my buds. And feeling like I'm actually doing a good job.

Speaking of which, I for some reason won some sort of employee-of-the-month type thing! How wild is that, right? Especially because it was in the category of "dedicated to our teams". I got a giant certificate with my name on it signed in silver by a whole bunch of men who I've never met! I'm going to frame it and put it on my wall.

Shit. The more I wake up and think about things, the more stressed I become.