Exciting times!
ACDC (when I wrote that on a sheet my co-worker reminded me I forgot to draw the lightning bolt in between) was even worse than expected!
It was such, such a shitshow.
I was up on 500 - the cheaper seats, where no one tips but everyone wants to get drunk and rowdy. We had no security to speak of and we ran out of large size cups. And our stand was out a bit from the wall and people kept running behind us and trying to take things from our stand, etc.
It was awesome!
On top of that we had temp staff to help us pour. Except they weren't particularly good at it. And four people on one unit is way too many. And then my co-worker split the tips evenly with them without consulting me. Which is fine. He explained his need for good karma, I understand that. Except that it had occurred to me that they were probably making more money than us.
Which, it turned out, they were!
Of course! Of course they were!
I make less than minimum wage at Skydome (on account of it being a "serving" job) even after FOUR FUCKING YEARS.
There's no way the temp staff would make less than minimum - but it turned out they were making at least $11. So I'm feeling a bit sore about it. Especially since I did all of the set up and cleaning and preparing.
It would've been fine if I'd walked out with some money. But I make just as much working a slowish hockey game at ACC.
Weird people read this blog or see my videos and I think it's pretty funny.
One of Deer's bandmates commented on seeing one of my videos:
It's just you talking and telling stories.
Yep. Pretty much.
But he seemed to find them funny.
I feel gladly about not posting too many half-naked pictures of myself on account of coworkers getting into this and going about poop stories to me.
No, I like it.
Did I tell you I spent $30 at Dollarama the other day? Yeah, I know. I do hate Dollarama, I mean, it goes against every principle I have... but it's so addictive to shop at. I got some really thick workman's socks and some black socks for work and two pairs on mittens and some candy and a TONNE of Christmas crafting and decorating paraphernalia.
I also went to Winners, where they have all their Christmas stuff out. So nice. So many things I wanted for my very own. Winners actually has tasteful Christmas home decor items I came very very close to buying for myself.
Does anyone I know like almond-scented things?
Aw man, Christmas!
I'm going to set a crafting schedule, specific crafts on specific days - and then you can come over and make that kind of craft with me if you'd like!
Christmas cards
Gift tags
Gingerbread ornaments (not for eating)
Gingerbread houses
Origami ornaments
Fabric painting
Any other ideas??