
my cat fully plays catch

I am not kidding around here. I bought her some toys at Dollarama yesterday and I throw these crinkly sparkly balls for her and she fully brings them back. What an awesome cat. She also jumps to catch it midair if I throw it.
What a dog.

UGH. Not feeling well. Def not feeling like working the ACDC concert tonight... but am feeling like making lots of dollar dollar bills.
So ready to be rich.
I bet they'll over-staff us tonight though, and it'll be dumb.

It is so, so nice out these days. Going to get cold again, but I've been enjoying it while it lasts.

Had lunch in the market with Deer and his folks. Burritos and then wandering around. Had to stop every few feet because Deer is the most popular person I've ever met and knows everyone all the time. Seriously stopped to talk to at least 10 people.
His mother was very pleased to find Russet apples.
russet apple
We all at them. They were pretty nice. Not waxy like most apples. Pretty crisp, juicy. Nice.
His parents live in the East end and don't come over our way too often, his mother said she couldn't remember ever going to Kensington before. How wild.
Except I've never been to:
High Park
Casa Loma
So, you know.

Deer's dad made me take this photo:
neil's dad made me take this picture
He said the building was very arty and I could frame the picture and sell it for a lot of money.
I did not take a photo of the man on the bench peeing.
No sir.

Went to Wanda's Pie in the Sky at their new location in Kensington another day this week with my old friend.
lunch in the market
It was very good. The cream of broccoli soup, especially, was great. Very broccoli-y, not too creamy. And it had this bread round that had been baked with cheese on the top of it... yessss.
matched my soup bowl
Luckily I dressed to match my dishes. Good thing!

graffiti poses

Had a good brunch with the BFF today. Stupid busy with law school. Luckily soon she will be able to support me. Bet she didn't know she was going to be such a patron of the arts. I think she'd look really good as a benefactor.
Sat for a long time, ran into people I know.

Two babes I've been involved with just did a pilot for a series together - hopefully it gets picked up. But they are hockey buddies now. I ran into one of them last night and one of them this morning. I asked one if they'd compared notes yet. Apparently a crude castmate tried to make them, but they both blushed instead. Haha!
I kind of think they should. I think they'd have wildly different stories. When they start going for beers after hockey and getting too drunk together, then it'll happen.
And I will laugh.
I want them both to be better friends with me.
Looks like I'm going to have to start playing hockey.