care of Mir
care of Sass

My Hallowe'en story started off by making costumes all afternoon with Deer and his bandmate - sewing fun and leather for their sexy viking costumes. I like the idea of sewing parties. Any productive group activity is kind of a good idea. It gave me a chance to hang out with this cute girl outside of extremepartytown/showtime - where you never get a good idea of what someone is actually like. And I quite liked her.
Then I went to work (boooooo).
Then I went and threw on my Christmas Elf gear and visited Garth at her Hallowe'en dance party night (it was at the base of my street, how could I resist?)

We had a mini-convo and breif gab and I remember how I like how she talks.
On my way in, I held the door open for Gumbi who was having a hell of a time getting through..
Then I booked it over to Dakota where some good old boys from Saskatoon were having a hoedown. One of my old MCDA cohorts met up with me there and we danced and swayed a bit, got the party started.
I then booked it over the loft party that Deer and his fellow Foxfirians were playing at. And way more of my friends than I expected were there! Favourite thing when that happens! Favourite!
It was BLOODY PACKED in the loft and sweaty and dirty and I was druuuunk already... it was a great show, huge crowed but I had to leave part way through the set, felt bad in retrospect but at the time I was just not in a mood to be pushed about.

(last photo there stolen from Norm Wong - costume I helped make, give you an idea of the partypartyparty)
We partied mostly in the alley after that, Mir and Sass came to add some girl dramz and cleavage.

My friend went as a pervert. How fitting.

They kept serving and we kept drinking. And drinking some more. The toilet was broken, I fixed it a few times. Day-saver, I know. I mostly liked hanging out in the alley though. Best party locale.
Were out until 6:30, so hungry but didn't go for food because I'm trying so hard not to eat before bed every day.
A bit too drunk going home, but I didn't ride my bike and I talked Deer out of trying to ride me doublies (not a euphemism, gosh). He was pretty bent set on it, 20 drinks will do that to a guy.
Morning after:

remnants of blood spatter

dark sunglasses and trenchcoats over just-tights

[[HAHAHAH my friend Shambers (pictured above, not in costume) went as Spencer Pratt. Just picture it. Perfect. ]]

left-over ocean make-up

tired faces

fuzzy braids and a whole lot of Sneaky Dee's breakfasts (at 3 p.m.).
sitting at brunch I suddenly realized I had to go to work basically right then. It's funny how partying all the time feels like it can go on forever and everandeverandeverandevver.
It can't.
Went to work again (on time, even) and did as little as possible.
Then hit up another Hallowe'en (/birthday) party afterward. I didn't have time to put together a new costume, so I just reused my elfin masterpiece. It seemed to go alright.
I was very, very lazy at the party, took no pictures and mostly sat in the corner with my one friend making jokes only we found funny. It was a really great time, actually.
Sometimes I'm just not in the mood to meet people/chitchat/smalltalk/be entertaining. And sometimes it's great to sit around eating food and commenting on costumes.
The past couple of years I haven't even really gone out for Hallowe'en. Just not gotten around to it, I think maybe it should always fall on the weekend. Then we will all party til dawn again.
Did y'all hear about the Lil Wayne is dead hoax?? I know I did, thanks Facebook. Luckily I also spread it around. It's too bad about how many good jokes there were if he had died the best of which was, obviously, "HE NEVER GOT TO BECOME BIG WAYNE!"
But remember, death isn't funny, dudes.