
pictures of me on the beach and of my (unrelated) wounds!


Guys guys guys guys yeah so I had to go to the hospital yesterday! I feel like I'm always at the hospital for one thing or another?


Remember when I passed out at Skydome during Yankee weekend in the middle of all those crowds and then the golf-cart ambulance had to come pick me up then a real ambulance then I got taken down on a stretcher through the bowels of the Skydome through parts I'd never seen before then at the hospital they never did find anything wrong with me and I walked home and on my way Carnathan texted and I met up with him at some pizza place or something and he was like "are you drinking diet coke? because I think you could drink regular coke if you want to" which was extra funny because he already reminds me of Napoleon Dynamite.

Aaaanyway. So Ruth Buzzi and I got into an altercation the other night involving another cat who'd gotten into the apartment. While I was trying to remove the other cat Ruth Buzzi sank her teeth and claws into my leg in a batshitcrazy way I have experienced very rarely from any cat.
Multiple cat-teeth wounds!

And so it turns out that cat bites are notoriously bad for getting infected and mine certainly did. I didn't take a picture of it when it was the worst on Sunday but I didn't want to go to emerg on a Sunday night and then have the pharmacies not even be open until Monday morning and my mum said it was okay to wait. Although, I'm fairly certain she didn't believe me how bad it was (I am always a whiner).
Here are pictures I took just now. The infection is definitely going away. It's funny how you can see it. You can maybe still make out the lines the doctor drew around it yesterday. For awhile I was watching it streak out from there and it was super creepy. Wounds are neat, kind of.
this side isn't as bad, just impressive scratches.
I went to the urgent care centre at Women's College Hospital, it's like a medium between the ER and a walk-in. I recommend it, though I was waiting in that room by myself in a sexy hospital gown for a good two hours.
The doctor was super nice and pretty worried about it so that made me feel better for having come. I have a fear of wasting doctors' time. Is that weird? And the nurses were super nice, too. They even let me pick which butt-cheek I got the antibiotics injected into! Neat!
So, yeah, I also have an antibiotics prescription, so everything should be ookay soon.

Here are some more pictures of me on the beach:

Who wants to go to the island with me?
If you're sexy and we go to the island clothing optional beach I will take my top off.
But not if you're Cpt. Heh and you're just trying to get naked all the time for no good reason and then I have to cover my face in embarrassment!
hahahaaaaaaaa I have more photos of all of us having the best fun timez but right now I have to go to brunch. It's been so long since I've been to Aunties I almost forgot it exists (by which I mean, about 2 weeks)!
