Yes, I managed to not leave the house at all yesterday. Which felt fair enough, good for me, etc. Remember how in winters past I would go days without leaving? And I didn't even have the internet back then. I wonder what I did instead.
Read books
Wrote poetry
Everything I should still be doing now but instead I use the internet to waste hours and hours.

Ruth Buzzi is maybe going to meet with a potential adopter. I would be pretty sad to lose her, but also it'd be good since she's so lovely and deserves a permanent home. With permanent love.
It's definitely kitten season and I know that Toronto Cat Rescue is definitely in need of foster homes and (obviously, always) adopting homes.
I can't believe that it took me so long to get around to fostering. I mean, obviously, at this age, where we can't commit to anything, where we're always moving around, where we don't have the money for emergency vet bills; fostering is the best option.

Plus, it's good to have a cat around. It just makes any house a home.
In my humble opinion.

I keep forgetting to tell you, one of my favourite friends, Norman Yeung (also, amazing blog here) has the world premiere of his full-length play, Pu-Erh, on right now at Passe Muraille. Facebook event page here with all the details.
I've seen bits of this play in other (award-winning) incarnations, as well as in workshop, and it's really outstanding.
Not that I'm surprised, as Norman is stupidly talented in a whole bunch of different ways. And every time I get to work with him, I feel overly-lucky.
Also, tickets for this run at Passe Muraille are only $15 if you're a student or arts worker!

Hey, look what I made. I am very, very good at art (not very good at art). But I do kinda like these and maybe I'll make some more. Mrs. told me not to buy so many lightswitch covers because I wouldn't get around to painting them. Well who showed who now??? (I showed Mrs.)

It's good that the nailpolish is kind of old and tacky, then I don't feel bad for using it, plus it's fun to make designs in it. I need more colours, real bad. I haven't been able to justify buying awesome nailpolish colours since I'm never allowed to wear it work. I have seventy shade of nude, though.

This one is my least favourite. If you were wondering.
I think a lot about art projects and then i never get around to them. I spend so much time thinking about them, though. And I own a silly amount of art supplies for someone who never does art.
The reason why I'm not great at anything is because I want to be good at everything. I don't want to get good at sewing or oil painting or ink drawings, I want to be great off the bat at all of those without any sort of patience, study, or hard work.
This is posssssibly a character trait that runs in our family.
It's okay, by the time I'm fifty I'll be super good at most things. Especially if the internet goes out of fashion and I learn how to concentrate better.