Dudes! I've been terrible about telling you things I need to tell.

the lovely folks over at Matchstick sent over a kit for my kitten and my tiny attic!

Purina wanted to give lady bloggers with cats a chance to try out Maxx Scoop small spaces cat litter.

If you have ever lived in a small space with a cat, you know that it can be so annoying.
Why it is annoying:
a) too much fur! on everything!
b) babes who are allergic to cats/hate cats
c) cats that won't cuddle when you need a cuddle
d) cats who annoy babes while they're just trying to sleep and you're just trying to creepily watch them sleep
e) the smell of cat litter

These days I am better at cleaning up after myself, so the cat litter isn't that bad. Plus I have it tucked away where it's not invasive or out stinking in the open.
But even still this small spaces stuff has made a difference. I haven't noticed a bad smell at all whatsoever lately. Kind of bad because then I forget to scoop it! Just kidding leave me alone I'm a good housekeeper.

Lots of ladies were over the other night for a clothing swap (so fun) and not one single one of them was like "why does it smell so bad like cat litter in here?" that didn't happen at all!

Yeahhhh Maxx Scoop super easy to use and I like the bucket it comes in. EXCEPT, as a city-dweller, I don't have access to a car and it's hard to carry all your groceries aaaand a 7kg bucket at the same time... maybe I should just get friends with cars? Friends with muscles?
Actually Poppy offered to carry it for me. Sometimes boys like carrying stuff. Sometimes girls do too, I bet, I just don't know any of them.

You can recognize the Maxx Scoop bucket because it's the one with the photoshopped cats holding their breaths. They look like Ruth Buzzi! Except Ruth Buzzi never has to hold her breath because I'm such a good housekeeper. I'm such a good housekeeper I've scooped her turds even before she made them!
Also, Ruth Buzzi loves those Friskies treats a bit too much. She will almost eat my hand off while trying to get them from me. Fun!

She also LOVES her bollywood mouse I got at Honest Ed's for her. She just loves it. It has sequins.

I gave one of the coupons to Mrs. and she also loves this cat litter, and she only wants the best for her babies. She's so nutso about those cats, George and Jonathan. So freaking nutso. In a very hilarious way.

I'm not really sure how no one has adopted Ruth Buzzi yet. Look, she loves booze and chips and partying.

Actually she was totally a nutbasket at my swap the other night, over-stimulation too many people she just wanted to yell and leave. Poor little guy.

Yesss these are also some pictures of how my house looks now. Such a tinytinytiny space. I'm super pleased with it right now, though.

So relaxasaurus in my little office nook and I get to look out across the room and admire all my pretty things and I'm actually sitting at the desk more which feels more productive but who knows if it actually is.

Soooo much stuff. It's still messy, I know. Not my fault, stuff's fault.

I have a bad headache all day. I couldn't really sleep and I was up until 4 after a super fun dance party town at Dakota last night. Life's so great!

I went to the gym on Monday and Tuesday and I am planning on doing something like exercise today though I'm not sure what. Maybe just running with the dog. She would like that. But I do enjoy our leisurely strolls together....
Also, the Gravity class yesterday was way harder than before and I'm sore all up in my business by which I mean my shoulders.

It would be awesome (I would be married [gross]) if men found funny women as attractive as women find funny men.
Just conversationally.