If it weren't for diaryland I would have completely forgotten about how this one (pretty crazy) dude said to me:
"On a scale of attachable to unattachable, you're on a whole other level"
so many other lovely little quotes and ridiculousnesses.
"it confuses me when people don't want to make out with me, I mean, what the hell?"
instant classic. also, a valid point given that situation.
Parts are so heartbreaking. And how things got clarified later on and now, years later I wish I could tell little-i how things actually were. And I wish I could tell little-i how things would end up.
"i have such greedy eyes. i am a greedy-self. i think i need everything. everyone. and if more than one person would want to be involved with me then i should, because when will i have another chance? what if someday there is no one? i will have regretted all the missed opportunities.
maybe this could be somewhat attributed to never having this much attention. if i were always attractive and sought-after then maybe i'd have a better understanding of how to act. of how to have actual relationships.
but judging from beautiful friends. no.
i would not."

Here, these are some photos I took of Miss Lindeman's band, The Weather Station.

Sometimes there are more people in this band but frequently it is just these two, or even just Miss Lindeman.

Love The Weather Station. If you haven't heard her sing or play the banjo or other instruments, you are missing out. Missing out on life.
Heart-breakingly good. The kind of good that makes you angry not to be able to sing like that.

These next few are ones that Miss Lindeman edited herself. Very nice.
Hung out with Russ last night, remember, he had some sweet dance moves last time we hung out.
SIX YEARS I've known him. Six years ago around this time I was stalking his band and visiting him at work (a CD store in Eaton Centre? I bought a Who CD and something else but I don't know what..).
Six years ago around his (now ex)band was opening for Matthew Good and we were in a fight of some sort so I didn't go and when I saw him next (this was before the internet and cellphones, remember) he asked as to why I didn't go.
I've never been that good at being a band girlfriend (or a gf in generally, let's acknowledge). I wouldn't assume I was on the guestlist or was even welcome since we were tiffing a bit the moment.
Relationships are so fucking strange.
And I find it odd that people feel owed things right away, or get super involved in each others' lives and act like they will be life-partners right off the bat.
Oh, not that that is not my extreme inclination at times. Oh, it definitely is. I just lack follow-through. And I like space, even though I don't know how to go about making it sometimes.
This isn't cohesive.
Anyway. Funny how Russ and I are exactly the same people these days. Only now instead of being 20 and 21 were are 26 and 27.
We make the same jokes and have new ones, we are more successful and less successful, we are thicker around our middles, and have calmed down in a bunch of ways.
I just find all of this fascinating. Interacting, growing-up, friendships, and how it all goes over the years.
I'm funny about nostalgia and familiarity.
I've spent too long reading old diarylands this afternoon.
What is this, write-whatever-I-want day?
ha, my rap partner and I are writing a new hit called "Terrible At Interacting"