Sub Rosa, my final outfit (for now, don't you think I won't be going back over there to make my friend take more photos of me).
Also, my favourite outfit.
I insisted on the hat and my friend styled the jumper preeetty nice. If I owned it I might hem it even shorter (and by might, I mean definitely).
I just got real groceries for the first time in too long and I got so much healthy/great stuff. The cashier said "all the good stuff, hey?"
I'm celebrating the fact that my landlord finally found the little fridge I've been wanting and bought it for me.
It is still a mini-fridge but it has two separate outside doors and now the freezer stays frozen and the fridge doesn't freeze everything. Amazing!
I bought big bags of frozen corn and frozen vegetables. Kind of a great snack just heat up some frozen vegetables and eat them with a bit of butter. Way better than buying samosas on the way home.
Yesterday I got sent home from work after only 2.5 hours because it was so ridiculously dead. We made $4.90 in tips. My record for the season so far. Kind of amazing.
I picked up a buttload of on-sale Easter candy at Shoppers and called up Niki to come meet me in the park for "working". By working I obviously meant candy-eating and vaguely talking about ideas and plans and script possibilities/sketch possibilities.
JL ended up coming to join us and I said something very rude about him being scrawny, which isn't even true because he's a pro-athlete for godssakes. He's spons'ed.
He was mad.
I made loud jokes and Niki laughed at everything that I wasn't sure was a joke.
Then some skateboarders came by and ate some candy. Then Cpt. Heh came by and ate some candy. We sat on that bench on Dundas for so long.
Because it's spring!
I came home and watched Gossip Girl (jumped the shark times a billion, can't justify why I even still watch it.) Then I got down to writing at around 1 a.m. and was up until 5 a.m. FUCKING GIVIN' ER.
I do not go to sleep when I have finally gotten myself into writing mode. I unplug from the internet and try to get as much done in one shot as I possibly possibly can. Because who knows when it'll happen again.
Though, I'm trying right to drink less/eat less/work more/save more/write more/party less/etc.
Which is hard work for me because I love party-all-the-time.
but possibly, as much as I hate to say it, party-all-the-time is holding me back.
I don't want to be held back! I want to be extraordinary!