And by vacation, I just mean several days off in a row. like maybe 13. Maybe one shift in there at some point? Who knows. Anyhow, working two different jobs tomorrow and one tonight and one on Sunday.
I have one billion plans until Tuesday. Then Tuesday onwards I have nothing really planned. Let's make some plans!
Who wants to take me on a trip?
During my time off I am going to get so much done! Or at least catch up on sleep.
I did actually end up going out last night. Until 3. Why did that happen!
It was Raymi's fault. And mine for being too easy to sway. Met her at Brooklyn bar and then moved to Salvadore Darling.
This world is so small. I ran into a girl from Saskatoon who I went to high-school with there. I was supposed to have brunch with her today but that didn't end up happening, but at least we partied last night. Seriously, this whole world is so small.

So I was up until 5 a.m. looking at the internet. Because when I come home after drinking I frequently just get carried away looking at random things and linking around. So dumb.
Slept in until noon and then somehow managed to get up and showered and go to the gym with Mrs. I'm kind of amazed with myself. It's good to have people to meet at the gym because then you can't wiener out of it like I was fully planning on doing.
I'm sore!

These pictures are just like the pictures from yesterday only with slight variations. I know I know.

I wish I had time to relax all day right now. I'd like to go to the park and read in the sun. Or shade. Yeah, in the shade.

So I'm officially having a clothing swap on Monday. I invited a bunch of really nice ladies but I don't think it'll be too crowded in here, probably just right? I hope so!
I'm going to be making my (famous) sangria and my (famous) guacamole and maybe some cookies?
I wish gluten-free baking was easier and less expensive. It probably will be later on because everyone is sort of realizing how hard gluten is to digest, lots of people are going gluten-free or just eating way less.
Pretty good.
I'm planning on cleaning and finishing up organizing this place on Monday so hopefully I'll have photos of it for you then (Mum and Sass/Joey, mostly). It's not exciting really at all now I am building it up. oHhhh wells.