For some reason I just wanted so much tea today. I even had a couple more cups when I got home in the late afternoon.
Like I think I've already said, Mrs. and her BF have just moved in together. They have a two-bedroom main/basement a few streets over from me and a HUGE backyard. It's got a mess in it right now but once the landlord cleans that up it'll be so awesome.
There's even a clothing line. And Mrs. is planting a garden. I'm going to eat the vegetables that come from it.
She should plant a raspberry bush.
And a saskatoon berry bush. Do saskatoon berries grow here?

I don't have any pictures from today, so this is an old one of another friend's backyard instead. Because posts without pictures make people nervous.
I'm very, very jealous over their space. So many rooms to go into. So many different places to sit. I'm also jealous of their things and stuff and how Mrs. is very good at decorating.
After we ate we had a glass of whiskey and watched videos on youtube. A beautiful waste of an afternoon.

Oh, here is my mum's backyard, too. With Adventure Cat.
Mrs. has the same teapot as my mum.
I did get a bunch of work done around my house this evening, which is great. I have two HUGE garbage bags of clothes that are ready to get the hell out of my house.
I may or may not be able to fit all my clothes into my make-shift wardrobe and into my one dresser. That would be a miracle. So far I am very, very happy with how things are going, but I still have a bunch more to do.
And this place is still a disaster.
On the phone with my mother yesterday I was about to buy a hyacinth and I said "it'll be like putting a bow on top of a trash heap"
And it was.
At work on Saturday I got moved up into a 200 level bar where I never work and I made much more money than I was expecting, so afterwards I went to Winners. I told my cousin I was about to buy work-out clothes but I definitely didn't.
I did buy a cotton-onesie-shorts thing, a weird printed strapless jean dress, a weird lace almost-cardigan thing, and a black cardigan.
Yep, only one of those things was something I needed. I'll let you guess which.
I didn't go out last night.
Unless you count "going for a run".
I just ran down to Dollface's to walk Kaya, then ran back home. And I use the term "run" liberally here.
Jog. Intermittent jogging. But it's still pretty good.
And I felt okay about it.
Except I ran into a bunch of my friends on Dundas and they were on their way to party and I was like, "sorry, I have to go for a run and then go to bed"
And tonight I didn't go out. I stayed in and cleaned and organized and watched the Junos, which were super weird to watch but kind of entertaining.
Also Nickelback wasn't there, so that's good.
Also some solid people won, I'd say. Not that I know anything about the state of music today. Honestly, I pretty much exclusively listen to things people recommend to me or things that get played at the stadiums.
Aquafit tomorrow at 10 a.m. -- gotta go to bed now!