ahahaaha don't tell Mrs. because she hates swimming for fear that the sharks will get her, she will only go to aquafit with me because there's lots of other people closer to the deep end who will get eaten first!

I just had an audition that was way across town and I left way later than I intended so I had to book it like crazy on my bike then I rode back and now I'm tired but I told Mrs. I'd meet her at the gym in half an hour. So I guess I'll go...

I really want to be a TOUGH kind of kid. Pipe dreams, and I can hear everyone laughing at me already. Whatever, I can dream.
Hhahaa "PIPE" dreams

Also, all I go out for these days are fast food commercials, it's kind of dragging me down, maybe it's because I look like I eat fast food??
Work today and then all the way through Sunday. I better have a billion dollars otherwise too annoying.

I'm very, very close to getting all the redecorating/reorganizing done in my tiny attic. Just a lot of cleaning and cleaning to do (fucking dishes fucking piled up like no one's business).
Cpt. Heh got a sneak peek last night when he walked me home from The Weather Station's show.
Fucking love Miss Lindeman and her Weather Station. So outrageously good.

Anyway very pleased with things around here so far. I even have a tiny office nook! Now I will get WORK done.
On my face.

Oh yeah, dyed my hairs back to redder so now I assume I will book all the gigs in the world and become very famous. Or at least be able to afford a very fancy camera and a macbook pro.

Okaaaay byee Mrs. is going to be mad that I'm late already!