Dollface and I started off with falafels and budz on ice at her place then did a "drinking tour of ossington" which actually was just one drink at Sweaty Betty's, a stop-by of Dakota to talk to our #1 favourite door guy, a peek in on Red Light then settling at Communist's Daughter.
At Commie we ran into our old pals from 2K8, Wolfdangler and French-Braider. They play in this band. They are very, very nice.

Here is Wolfdangler and I at Wakestock 2k8. JL was skating that day, too. I went and saw him do it.
And here's the French-Braider

After the bar cleared our drinks we went down the road to one of the guy's places to drink Stella left over from their show that they played earlier. Stellaz on ice. People made fun of me but Stella is not-great in the first place.
Walked home in the extreme mist at about 5 a.m. So Fun.
I have too many stories about last night and how creepy/funny I was being and how fun/funny everyone else was being but no time.
Also, I still have not blogged our friendship retreat weekend. Now I want to because I remember it was so fun.

I will soon but now I've spent the whole day trying not to barf and lying around and now I have to go work. Only two more days and then two days off! And it's Nickelback tomorrow!!!
I've gotten three 100% secret shops this season. BEAT THAT.
haha nerd. I do feel like they owe me a cake or something.