
Lissie and Gravity

Okay, it turns out that I'm just going to re-post things I find off Perez Hilton.

I like this girl! I like these two songs especially. You should listen to them. Or just go to grooveshark and make your own little playlist of her stuff.
So lovely.
God, Little Lovin' is so fun to sing along to. I think family and Steph especially will get this.
Lissie myspace

Heyyy I went to the gym yesterday. I know, right?
Today my pecs hurts. And arms. My weak little fat little pipes are super hurty. Hahah reread "hurty" and wanted to barf. Sometimes I just write shit without thinking.

Also abs are hurty, sitting up this morning was a bit of a chore. Not too bad, though.

Went with Mrs. to the West End YMCA, I used to have a membership there, and am going to maybe get one again.
I was in the WORST temper as I was leaving to go meet her and I almost bailed. I have zero okay clothes for the gym. And even worse shoes. (obviously, I'm a lazy hippie!)

I'm really glad I went, though. They didn't charge me the friend fee (yesss) and Mrs. and I went to this intro class for these weird new machines, Gravity machines.
here is an article about them I didn't read it.


especially funny because on the door to the Gravity room (a whole room, just for these guys) it says "shirts must be worn" they must have googled these machines too and found this.

But, yeah, you use "Gravity" as the resistance and you push and pull yourself up and down this mat-on-an-incline. I still hate working out, but this was pretty fun. Mostly because it's kind of funny and like a weird game or as Mrs. put it "a weird ride that you have to put effort into to have fun on" not quite as good at the "Gravatron" but almost.
I love the Gravatron.

It has some super good arm exercised that I couldn't do too many of because I am weak.
I liked it because it's more fun than free weights or circuit training and you get to stay in one place on one machine and the incline is adjustable so you can vary your level of difficulty plus the amount of weight is you so, yeah.
I don't know why I'm telling you all about these guys like I'm some sort of Gravity secret spy trying to convince you to go on these.

After Gravity I went on a bike for a bit and then did the rowing machine.

Then I felt okay. 
And I felt okay about going out on the town. 

And now it is my favourite o'clock - Brunch O'Clock!