I cannot seem to bear that in mind as I go about planning and executing my life.

Today I had a great brunch with the Mrs., I drank a lot of coffee and got a bit of jitters but it was totally worth it. Then Mrs. and I went to that little Home Hardware on College where the old men are helpful and not helpful and pretty rude but also kind of endearing. I bet that store in particular gets a shit-tonne of stupid questions all day long. Lots of DIY hipsters (me and Mrs.) looking to start projects they have no idea how to actually do properly.
No, Mrs. knows how to do things. She does set dec. and props and buying and shit for films (hire her). She knows more about building than most people I know.
After the hardware store I came home to get down to work. I'm reorganizing everything in my apartment, repurposing furniture and getting rid of stuff. My place has been driving me bananas so it needs to be done. When I'm done I will have a super awesome, tidy little place that I will be proud to have people (BABES) over to.

This afternoon I managed to start the back shelves that I'm putting up on top of my desk (hard to explain why it's going to be awesome, it just hopefully will be), I put up a shelf and I started transitioning this weird shelf-cupboard-pantry thing that I had been using with the doors off as just a set of shelves that held my TV among other things, I'm turning it into a wardrobe.
I had been thinking of purchasing a wardrobe but I could not find anything that would fit into my apartment. The walls slope in such weird ways and there's just such limited room.
Is anyone else fully addicted to apartmenttherapy.com?? It's kind of great because it has such neat things and ideas but also bad because I just waste hours and hours reading through the site instead of getting to work on my own projects.
Super neat idea that I linked over to from Apartment Therapy, is this idea of starching fabric onto walls as wallpaper. Apparently it damages neither the walls nor the fabric! Whoaly.
I don't know how it would work with large pieces but it still seems pretty cool.

I would really, really love to not have the shittyuglyshitfuckbrutal carpeting in my attic. I'm thinking of buying some mats/rugs to cover it up. Apparently the girl before me had painted the floors blood-red so they "had" to cover it up. I would prefer blood-red floors to this ugly industrial blue never-clean carpet. Carpets are gross.
April 1st was my six-year anniversary of living in this teeny-tiny attic. SIX YEARS. I cannot move out of here because my rent is stupid-cheap and I love the location and the apartment. Most of the time.
Ruth Buzzi is hard to live with sometimes around here because she is very bored and wants to leave the room a lot. But there is nowhere to go. But I have to have a cat or else the place will be overrun with mice. Remember when that happened?? BRUTAL.
Way worse than having a vaguely annoying cat who is also kind of lovely and is asleep right now with her paw on my knee awwwwwwwww

You know, I didn't even feel too badly about missing out on park-time with Cpt. Heh or missing out on a shopping mission with Mrs. because I seriously got so much done.
All these projects would be 100% easier if I knew the first thing about carpentry. Trial-and-error isn't the worst, I guess. Well, it kinda is.

I think I'm getting tomorrow off, I'm working something like 24 of the 30 days this month? Super weird for me but it's also for the best. I have some billz to pay.
And tomorrow I'm doing a work-friend's headshots... and I like doing headshots.
Also, I do own other shirts, I just took my picture in so many different ways on that same day. Yeah there's more to come, even.