
foraaaaaaaaa fotooooos

Whoaly whoaly. That wine hit me pretty hard last night. It's great how good moods can build on themselves somedays, though. 

A good day all the way through. I was totally against going to work but then it was a very fun shift and one of my favourite co-workers and I joked with all the customers so much and I was being part-rude in a way that sporting men find very funny. And we made a lot of money (which I was not expecting in any way). 

Then I went to the Central for Raymi's birthday and that was super fun as well and I was in a loving mood and probably being slightly more congenial than usual. Leave me alone, I'm working on it! 


Okay here are some photos that are weeks overdue!

Raymi always looks like she owns the room. She's so tall and blonde! 


Okay okay yeah, we were at MTV for the launch of their new online magazine! 


It is called FORA and you can look at it soon! 


Casie was in charge of the event and got us all together and we watched a taping of The Aftershow (aftershow for what? oh yeah that reality show!) and then we got some drinks! And had some food!


Everyone was sooo cute. Also featured in these pictures are Lisa, Breanna, and Carly-Ann. And some people I don't really know! Dreamboats. 





I like Raymi I'm glad that we're friends (finally). 



Remember when I was on MTV?
I was. Apparently they're still using these a bit? Who knows! Sometimes young ladies still recognize me. 






THANK GOD, finally some pictures of me for once! 


Wow, it is so hot in this apartment. Already. Is it too early to put the AC in the window? Yes. Okay then. 

Oh yeah, I got a GIANT case of eye make-up from Matchstick and Maybelline.  I'm going to be taking some pictures of myself in it (surprise!) and then you'll see. Also I want to take your picture in it, also.  But for now you can go fan them on FB. Oh yeah, also I have some coupons for ya so as ya can make yerself up pretty, too! 

UGH, too far. 
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