Jays home opener is today. In the past it has always been a bit of a disaster. I'm not saying that that will be the case for sure today.. but if I had to bet?

Kind of dreading it. I guess that's why I haven't been as productive as I really should have been today. I've been excusing it by telling myself I'm "relaxing" to build up resources to deal with the paaaarty of working tonight.
Yeah yeah something like that.

Dakota last night, claaaaasic. I think I may take a couple of weeks off from there. It's fun and all, but. Has anyone else noticed that there's getting to be more and more douchebags? It's like an epidemic.
Last night the douchebags were being douchey in new and weird ways. Bad news.
Did run into Raymi, though. So that was fun! Did drink some budz on ice, and I like that.

These photos are not from then, though. These photos are from a few weeks ago. That night after Dollface and Violet (the BFF's new nickname, remember?) came over for dinner then we went out with Dollface's friends to Beaconsfield and I played bejeweled or bedazzled or whatever that game is called on Doll's iPhone forever and ignored everyone and thought that was so funny. I was so perfectly contented like a kid who has to wait out his mother's lunch date.

Oh yeah, speaking of douchebags, the biggest douche ever was there! This son-of-a-hockey-player turned rich entitled crap-television host that Dollface knew in the past. And man, he was douching it up! It was kind of remarkable the lengths he was prepared to go to to get what he wanted.

I just glared at him. Which is pretty standard. Last time we met he said to Doll "your friend hates me, eh?" WHY WOULDN'T I? hahaaaaaa sad kind of.


Oh yeah I also wouldn't take off my sunglasses except to let other people try them on. Classic obnoxious.

haaaaaaaaaaaa this picture murders me all over. It's so perfect in every way. Don't deny it.
oh, here are a couple more photos and special messages from dollface: