heythere, good news, I'm in a good mood. So don't worry or anything, no need to get me flowers (get me flowers.) or anything.

Aww man, I'm so productive it's kind of sick. I didn't even go out last night because I'm responsible and I may not go out tonight, either. I haven't done any writing lately, though. Nor the blogging I should be doing. So I want to get to that.

Today I got up at 8, did some push-ups, crunches, stretches, and vocal warm-ups, I worked on my lines for a bit then biked to logan for an audition. Then I did the audition (didn't go awesome, too many words! what am I, literate?). Then I biked to the central Y. I was disappointed to realize they don't yet have the Gravity machines, but I did the eliptical for a bit, then some machines, then the rowing one for a bit. I like the rowing one.

Then I went shopping!
Which is when I bought the dress featured in these photos. LOVE THIS DRESS.
It was more than I usually spend ($30. leave me alone.) but too perfect. I may have also got a couple other little items. Ughhh so pretty. I'd never been in Forever 21 before and now I can't go back because I spent too much money. It's okay though because I'm rich. Hmm.

Then I biked over to Aunties to meet Violet for brunch. It felt like it was around 4 p.m. because I am so used to getting up at 11, but really it was only 12:30. Wild!
So Violet and I had a lovely brunch and Cpt. Heh cooked it for us. Did I say yet that Cpt. Heh works at Aunties now? Did I? Who can keep track! It's funny because Cpt. Heh and McGruff (who is our bud/server) both think Violet is very pretty. Maybe because she is. But probably because they are just tired of seeing me and she's fresher to them. haaaha. um.

Now I am at home and I just took an absurd amount of pictures of myself and of Ruth Buzzi and now I'm editing them and posting them and blogging. I am also burning a CD of the photos I took of those Weather Station-ers to give to Miss. Lindeman and then I'm going to bike to work. Then I'm going to walk Kaya. Then I'm going to sleep at some point. Then I think gym again tomorrow. Mrs, you wanta do aquafit in the morning? Probably not, she's getting ready to have a BBQ.

I wish I could write out the jokes I make to customers at work but they wouldn't translate well, I don't think. It's pretty fun sometimes though. My cute co-worker IDed a guy (we ID under 30) who was like
"you think I'm young? you think I'm your age?"
and she said "I think you look around 30 or under"
and he came back with "hey maybe we should date if you think I'm your age"
and I was like "Hey, yeah, hey you should go on a date with him! This is your big chance! You never get to go on dates, no one ever asks you out! You've always wanted a date!"
haha super enthusiastic-like. She gets asked out about 7 times a shift. That sort of took the piss out of him.
See that didn't translate well.
I dance around a lot at work. Sometimes they play songs I like I like at the end after mostly everyone is gone they play Closing Time by Leonard Cohen occasionally.
Um, is Drake growing on anyone else a bit?

Yeah I still have more photos like this. Laterz I guess.
Now I have to go try not to eat all the Nibs.