it's Violet(the BFF, remember?)'s birthday today! I can think of no better excuse than this to post some pretty photos of her.

Niagara Falls! That's one of my best friends from childhood there with us, she was in town for a vacation and so we went to Niagara Falls and it was very fun. I love trips. Who wants to take me on trips??

hahaa nice.

aaaaahhhhhhahahaha. If you know me you'll know that I like to make my friends who don't know each other be friends with each other. I don't really have a specific friend group, I have lots of friends from different groups/circles/jobs/arts and I like to make them all interact. Sometimes it's awkward but not always. Anyway, look the Mrs. and Violet are being friends! Friends who just love talking about their periods!

These are from when I was still shooting on film. Remember film? That was hard work.
oh good, digital

Hey I have those exact same earrings I don't remember us both having them.
Violet like pink and purple and pearls but in a good way. so if you're going to buy her a birthday gift I would recommend something along those lines.
Okay enough about her!I worked the Jays home-opener last night just like I said I was going to and it was way less terrible than I had feared. Success!
I mean, sure, everything was a disaster and disorganized and the company and its employees were pitted against each other and we didn't have anywhere near enough supplies for the amount of sales we were doing. And I worked with one co-worker who we are all certain steals tips! (TIP STEALING?? ULTIMATE LOW)
But it was still way less awful that I thought it would be.
The dome used to be my absolute favourite job. But now that's it's run by a new company and after working at the other stadium and seeing how it could be properly.. well, it's hard not to get frustrated with how poorly things are run.
Am I going to get fired for bad-mouthing them?
Luckily we are unionized now so they'll have a tougher time.
Plus the union seems to be doing fuck-all for us except a TINY pay raise which just barely covers our union dues.
Anyway, I have a sort of affection for the dome and kind of a lot of secret affection for the Jays like they are all my buds and we should hang out more because I know all their songs and stuff. haaha, I'm not good at sports.
Everyone I knew was at the game having a paaarty time without me and I was kind of jealous. I've been jonesing to go to a sports game lately. WHO'S GOING TO TAKE ME??
Wow, I'm being needy today, hey?
Okay okay, here's a photo of Violet and I in a pool at night. I got it off facebook. Obviously.
Oh yeah, speaking of facebook:
This whole thread is very funny because commenter #1 is someone who gave me his email address while I was working at the stadium and he told me that I looked very cute in my glasses. Which is a funny way of putting things because I assure you, I look cute frequently, glasses or no.
Yes, I did end up FB friends with someone who tried to pick me up at work, leave me alone.
PLUS, he had no follow-through. So we never hung out, now we're just awkwardly facebook friends. I hope he reads this just because it would add to the amazing amount of awkward.
Also it's funny because I frequently wear contact lenses, I just hadn't had any new ones in awhile. Sometimes you just don't feel like wearing glasses. Especially if you want to wear sunglasses. Or when it's rainy. Or when your nose is tired of supporting them.
Also I was being sarcastic! Obviously! Okay, they get that probably, I know. But still.
Fucking blogger post editing is getting to me, quit formatting things I don't need formatted!