Yesssss I got my Y membership all done and good today. Now I don't have to always go with Mrs. now I can go by myself, too. Holy shit I'm going to be so tough. I will have to swear more and wear more shirts with cut-off sleeves. ha, I wore a shirt to the Y the other day that I had cut the sleeves off. Mrs. liked it for sure.

I just spent a lot at the liquor store. I wasn't even thirsty.
Setting a little display on the table. Want to have more liquor around for me and my guests. It's a nice thing to be able to offer. And a nice thing to have to display. And a nice thing to drink forever.
I went to Mrs.'s house the other day and she had a tray in the front room with boozes on it. I was jealous. God, what is this blog, Mrs.'s life story??

I bought:
a) gin
b) scotch

tequila tonics are my new favourite drink. I drank them last night on my drinking tour of ossington with Dollface. We went to Betty's, Commie's, and Lakeview Lunch. At the lakeview lunch we did not have
a) three-cheese grilled-cheese
b) onion rings
c) sweet potato fries
d) regular fries
e) veggie burger, no bun (my standard)
instead we got salads. Healthy timez. yeah as well as being tough I am going to be filled with vitamins.

hey have you tried those gummy vitamins from Shoppers? They make me remember to take
my vitamins because they are delicious.

I also spent a lot at Dollarama today. I always feel really guilty about shopping at Dollarama but not for shopping in chinatown and shit... I should just feel guilty all the time, cover my bases.
I bought:
a) bike lights (two sets. $1.50 each, so you know.)
b) batteries for the bike lights
c) compact florescent lightbulbs
d) a smooth egg-shaped stone
e) a ceramic plant pot
f) sunglasses (weirdly super comfortable)
g) cheese and broccoli rice
h) wicker basket
i) wicker basket
j) wicker basket
k) set of 5 pens
l) set of 4 pens
m) set of 6 pens
o) nibs
p) nylons
I think that's almost all. Pretty good haul, I'll tell you that much for free. And man, their wicker is so cheap! and shitty, I know I know.

So, yeah, I had that recall this morning but it was kind of like the beginning episode of ANTM where all the girls are there but then they tell some of them they can leave. Yeah I was told I could leave, some people got to stick around and compete for the chance of becoming Bagel's next top advocate.
That's okay though because usually you just never hear and eventually you sort of figure out that you didn't get it. At least I know.
Plus, I don't even eat bagels!
Though I wish I could.

In other news, I'm really looking for a funny babe who is very good at making me laugh all the time and who thinks I'm as funny as I am (very funny) and then wants to make jokes all day.
Just in case you were wondering.