
we ran out of peanut brittle!



saskatoon river bank

yeah, guys, I've been totally "power-shopping", as my mum puts it.
I've been very sick of my whole wardrobe forever and no matter what I buy I'm still sick of everything, which I think comes along a bit with not being completely at ease with my body. Classic troubles.
Anyhow, I bought up all of Salvation Army and Value Village yesterday --  so much good stuff! Usually I don't find too many things at Sally Ann but it was their 50% off sale and I went to town. UH HUH.

trees on the banks of the south saskatchewan

Then I've been trolling the midtown for dealz and I've got quite a few things. At first I was on a mission to find jeans I'd like to wear (I currently own no jeans that I feel pleased about wearing. I do however, own about 8 pairs of jeans that I don't like) but then I realized that was hopeless as any jeans I want cost 1 billion dollars and so I've just been buying more dresses and tights and leggings and skirts. mmmmhmmm. Favourites.

mum's backyard

Also Costa Blanca had a bunch of their lacy things on sale so I bought so many of those. Plus La Senza had 10 underwears for $30.. so.. you know.
I also picked up some snowflake earrings from Claire's today. $2. A friend was wearing the most tasteful intricate snowflake pendant the other day and so I was sort of on the lookout for one of those... no luck, though.
So much ugly Christmas crap in this world!
It's like people don't understand that Christmas is about beauty and taste.


I still feel like doing absolutely nothing. When I'm out of the house, I don't mind it, but when I'm home all I want to do is stay home and teach myself how to crochet while watching movies.

I watched two disappointing movies last night.
a) Brothers
This wasn't as good as it could have been. It was alright. Alright isn't that good.
b) The Invention of Lying
This cast was so loaded and Ricky Gervais is so funny. Too bad it didn't come together. I only LOLed once. That's not that good.

mum's crane sculptures in the snow

I'm supposedly heading out to BandSwap at Amigo's tonight. I'm also supposedly going to be the raffle girl. I'm not really feeling it, gotta admit.
I'm not too sure about who I'll even know that's there and if I will be in a good enough mood to enjoy it. Good thing I'm psyching myself into it!!!!

in mum's kitchen

I'm trying to teach myself how to crochet in order to make a billion crochet snowflakes (because they are so lovely!). It's going alright. I am secretly a housewife. A very terrible housewife.

I'm feeling a bit sad, missing Toronto. It's okay, New Years is generally a bust no matter what. Always trying to figure out what to do/how to have the most best ultimate time..
Ha, I overheard a girl in the mall tell her friend "Yeah we're just going to get an ice cream cake and chill out".
Sounds perfect, doesn't it?