
grammar party

I watched Home Alone the other night with JL and his roommates and ate catering left-overs and his nicest roommate (seriously this guy is so nice!) gave me whiskey and cranberry juice.

Anyway, I totally forgot how awesome Home Alone is! It's so great!
He's soooo little, though. So teeny tiny. That never really registered with me when I was a kid, how actually little he is in this movie.

"I went shopping yesterday. I got some milk, eggs, and fabric softener."

Also, I love his tuque. Get it for me?


Is it weird that I find it interesting when people talk about spelling and grammar? Also when it comes up on our online family forum (awesome/embarrassing -- whatever, you wish your family liked each other enough to want to communicate all the time on the internets) I kind of like it.


My family is quite smart and I'd wager it's the puzzle part of the grammar/spelling stuff that we find entertaining.



I did not know my granny, as she died before I was born, but I'd be willing to bet that a lot of our ridiculousness comes from her.
From my aunt on the forum:

"Once when I was walking through Eaton's I saw a sign which read: The Stationery Department has Moved. So I repeated this to Mum and she laughed, then added snootily, "I suppose you don't know that the word stationary is spelled differently when it refers to writing paper and when it refers to movement."

She was right, of course."


I do get a bit annoyed when people are terribly uptight about all this, but that is mostly because I'm self-conscious of being not-the-best at it.





My mum has a best friend she's known since university (although it turned out that they grew up mere miles from each other) and she always refers to this woman as "my Friend" and whenever she only says "my Friend" then I know who she's talking to. Anyhow, this woman lives in Ottawa, not in Saskatoon but she's visiting my mother this weekend. She emailed my mother her plans for the visit:

"Actually, I think you and I differ in our expectations of this visit.
My idea is that I will spend several hours pouring out my heart,
describing my woes, and you will sit there with looks of compassion,
understanding and concern flitting across your face. Oh and
admiration! Respect for my courage and forbearance in light of these
trials and tribulations. Occasionally, I will pause and gently
encourage you to share some of your own difficulties. Fortunately, you
will not expect me to listen long to these trivialities! How does that
sound? Oh, and then we will just get drunk. No, first we will eat,
and then we will get drunk.

Yeah, I'm finally sort of getting around to editing/posting photos from my Saskatoon visit in August. Except not really. Except I bet it'll be another few months until they're actually all done...