
my blog is not like this blog

100 Massey is not the kind of blog I normally read.
Although, to be fair, I'd prefer it if I read a whole bunch of different sorts of things.
Anyhow, I like it.
Quite a bit, actually.

I think I like it because it's like a more realistic version of a party photo blog. It's dirtier and less good-looking and more appealing to me somehow.
Less hipster more truthful.

Unidealized but still romantic. Does that makes sense? Kind of.

It looks like what I'd like bits of the TV show I'm writing to look like.

I'm only stealing the photos that have me in them, that seems fair.

You should go look at it, though. I like the photos of beers and backyard parties and people giving the finger and dudes losing various items of clothing and everyone drinking whiskey. And the ones of drugs and shot glasses and random people making mean faces and the babes on skateboards. And I like the captions.

These guys, this group in general, have this sort of ruthless confidence that is really appealing.
And that I'm kind of jealous of.

Yesterday at Aunties and Uncles McGruff gave me some tomato tortilla soup to take home and I've eaten almost all of it already (3 bowls).
I love Aunties and Uncles. That's all.