
still am not good at visiting

Here are some photos I bit from my cousin's flickr. Pictures of me, you're welcome!

Sometimes I sit sort of paralyzed at the thought of writing (not blog-writing, writing-writing) and cycle through social media/google reader windows until I've used up all the time that I felt I could possibly get involved in actually writing something.

I will use any excuse to avoid actually writing. My favourite one is how I don't know what the characters' names will be so I can't go about writing them until I know what they'd be called and so I look at baby name sites on the internet for about an hour.

I feel like this year will be really great. A lot of things have felt really shitty lately and I've felt stagnant and safe and resistant to actually trying things.
I'm planning on getting things moving.

For the past while when people would ask about my career I would tell them "it's in the shitter".
I feel like my attitude has followed this statement a bit and then even possibly my work habits/audition habits/planning habits/dreaming habits have all been affected by negativity.

Not to get all woo-woo on you here, but I think that having a positive attitude can go a long way. Expecting great things and going out looking for them can be really worthwhile.
Expecting shittiness kind of brings it in some ways, it seems.

Anyhow -- I'm looking forward a bit to the home-body-ness of wintertime. I'm going to work to avoid the depression that generally comes my way in the feb/mar/apr and instead spend hours reading and reading and writing and writing and walking far places and learning new crafts and skills and booking big gigs.

My mum and I watched An Education tonight. We debated watching Precious, but determined that would be too much for an evening following an afternoon of funeral and wake-drinking.

It was quite a lovely movie. I generally love Peter Sarsgaard (ever since Freak City) and now I very much want Carey Mulligan to be my best friend.

(not from my cousin's flickr set)

Could someone please get her to come to Toronto and hang out with me?
So delightful to watch and appealing. She reminds me a bit of Audrey Tatou in her appeal, but I think I might like her even more (?!).
I think it goes without saying that I am dreadfully jealous of her and want to be just like her.

Or be an equally great me.
Yes, that's it.