
in 24 hours I will be about to get off a plane!

I got recognized from TV for the first time in awhile last night. At work, I was passing this guy his beer and he said "is it hard to go from TV stardom to serving drinks?"
It took me off guard.
"You mean go back and forth?"
"Oh, okay, sure."
"No it's not too hard, I guess, no one really notices."
and then he said something about me being pretty recognizable.
It's still weird.

I'm ready to be back on TV. In case you were wondering.


saskatoon at christmas

My plan is to finish everything up this afternoon (including getting Theresa out of here, please, lord), go to work, go by Shambers' rum-themed Christmas party and then come home to bed for just a few short hours.

Then plane! Then fam-brunch!
funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn times

mum's gift and christmas oranges

I feel like I've been busy-busy. Finishing everything up, delivering little gifts, working, visiting, etc.

nice haul

For some reason I have it in my head that once I get home I'll have nothing to do. But that's not even the case at all.

my birthday reflected in a decorative bowl

Although after Christmas I should have plenty of relax-time. At least, that's my plan.

I really want to go Saskatoon-shopping. So badly. Especially midtown and value village. Just sayin.