So.. we went out for Shambers' birthday a couple of weeks ago. I don't know how old he turned but I'm pretty sure it's OLD.

I knew Shambers was wasted already when I got there because he touched my face. Who touches people's faces?? He was too funny though, it was really killing me.
Especially because I never really see him too drunk.

Cpt. Heh made me promise not to post these pictures where he looks bad.


sad paaaaaaaaarty

happier party! (the guy at the side is amazing)

Well, now we know whose blue nails are in all the photos!

This is totally a Sorry I Missed Your Party shot. Amazing not only because of the two in the foreground but mostly because of Cpt. Heh in the background there...

Oh yeah, we started a dance party in the Double Deuce! And there was really no room for it, which made it even more fun! (The Toronto Double Deuce is way better than the Saskatoon Double Deuce [worst bar ever])

Oh, great! You know when you're doing the pointing dance that things are going well. I'd like to point out that Shambers had many more shots even after this photo was taken.

Why? Why do people make people do shots on their birthdays?

Shambers got something on his shirt. I don't know what. Probably shots.


Super tough I'm-not-drunk pose.

That guy interrupted this picture on purpose. Everyone looks insane!

Here Shambers is picking me up while I take the photo. Who knows why!

Poppy and I intercepted one of Shambers' drinks at the end and drank it ourselves! We took one for the team!
At the end of the night I was getting ready to walk homewards with Cpt. and Poppy and then I though, "hey I wonder how Shambers is going to get home?" especially since he was barely standing at that point. So we tried to wrangle him out the door but it took so much effort!
He had lost his coat and when I asked him where it might be he said "HOW SHOULD I KNOW?" and then he tried to take someone else's coat and when I said "that's not your coat, is it?" he said "COULD BE".
It was toooo funny.
Finally we found his coat (luckily since it had his keys in it!) and got his bike and walked home. Well, Poppy and Cpt. wrote our bikes and I had to lead Shambers because he was like a giant zombie. He kept stopping to lean all the way over hedges for a minute and kept trying to walk right into traffic (thank god for side-streets). I was holding onto him but he's big! if he wanted to drag me into traffic, he probably could have!
We finally did get him home though and locked up his bike and got him inside. I have no idea what he did from there, though.. it wouldn't suprise me if he passed out on the stairs.
Oh yeah, also while we were walking home he kept muttering "chips". I didn't take him to get any, though.
Toooo funny.

Happy birthday, Shambers!