Didn't do anything. At all!
Ohhh well. Here are some photos from Mrs.'s Christmas party last weekend!

I don't know why I don't own this Christmas apron. Seems unfair, doesn't it?

canon photographs canon. who will win? canon!

holy shit, is that cranberry-vodka punch? Yes, please.

how come my apartment is decorated this nicely? ughhhh

I realized I hadn't been taking photos most of the evening and that I should start. Good place, I guess.

ooo, looking good.

no, wait. who is this sexy beast?

mid-sentence party-time

why, why does everyone need to congregate in the hallway? it always happens.

the blurrier the pictures, the better the party... right??

people wearing white and holding cranberry punch/red wine/etc make me very nervous.

I picked up so many babes, you have NO IDEA.

least favourite photo of myself from the evening.

Jonathan Tip-Top Taylor Chirovsky!! (hiding in the bathroom because it was all too much to take. Also the Mrs. terrorized him by making him wear a bow-tie. So cute!)

uh huh. that's what I'm talking about.

This was before most people left. Also before some random couple had sexy times on all our coats on the mrs.'s bed.

One friend when in to get her coat and interrupted them and explained that everyone would be needing their coats (tried to politely suggest they should get out, basically). They just went at it again. We had to wait for them to be done to retrieve our things. AWWWWAKWARD.

Then when I was in there getting my stuff a guy asked the sexy-time-guy if they'd just done it on our coats and then he was bashful like "yeahh..." and I was like "EW SHUT-UP" but I guess that's what I get for staying until almost dawn. What the fuck time did I leave there? Like 5, maybe?
I liked that dance party that started up around 3 a.m. Pretty fun.
Does it seem to anyone else that there are waaaay more Christmas parties this year than ever before?
Lucky me!