I am the worst at visiting with people this visit. I keep expecting to get better at it/feel like it but then more days pass and I still feel like hibernating at my mum's house.

One of my mum's best friends (a woman I've known since I was born, basically) died just before Christmas and so Mum's been feeling pretty sad and tired. I've been holding back tears since I got off the plane for various reasons (none of them particularly big, just a combination of things) and instead of crying it out I've been bottling it all up, turning it into bad moods. I'm a bit nervous of the memorial service tomorrow as I will probably either cry inappropriate amounts or I will be in the worst mood ever.
Good, supportive daughter that I am!

It's strange being acutely aware of one's shortcomings. One day I will be a good friend and family member, with proper listening abilities and loving advice (but only when actually needed)...

You know what's awesome? When you try to explain to someone that you don't want any advice and then they just keep giving you advice.
Not giving advice is probably almost as good of a skill as giving good advice.

I know a lot of people who think they are good at giving advice, but I disagree. I frequently wonder if I am one of those people. Sometimes I certainly am.

My friend and her baby were pretty beautiful on her wedding day. Perfect, really.

Man, I love that girl. I'm so pleased to be able to be in town for her wedding. Her twin sister got married last year and I wasn't in town for it. I was in Toronto because I had a short film in TIFF and it felt like I needed to be there. When I saw the photos from the wedding I felt a bit devastated. It didn't make sense at all that I'd missed it. I mean, I'd been in this girl's life - her family, almost - since we were in kindergarten...

Anyhow. I was very, very pleased to make it to this wedding. It was small and lovely and I knew most people and never see them.
And I held that baby for so, so long while it slept in my arms. Then she woke up and I held her with her back to me so she could calmly watch all the going ons. Lovely tiny thing, that.
Only cried a tiny bit and I don't think anyone noticed. I probably don't always come off as the biggest sap in person, but I always, always am.