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such a lovely party time tonight!

I didn't really take any pictures at all, but I feel okay about that, I was too busy living it up. Tomorrow I'll have to live it down...


Started off at my friend's tree trimming party. Hi, does your house have a Christmas mat in the kitchen? Yeah? Then we will be bffs forevs.
Tree trimming + red wine + brie + date squares + animated discussions about student teacher relationships/boundaries (yeah I'm still in love with my voice teacher leave me alone) = lovely lovelinesses.


From there moved on to my friend's agency Christmas party. Free drinks + food (why hadn't I had a jalapeno popper until tonight?) + Dr. Tom + our favourite news (?) personality + sitting in booths talking about love and such + watching awkward/awesome dance parties = well worth traveling up Bay street.


Thennnn (at 3:10a.m.) had to hit up Sneaky Dee's to meet up with fellow adventurers to fully close up the night. Loud jokes + going over how funny 30 Rock is + nachos + copious amount of water to try to pretend that we're not going to be hungover tomorrow + feeling nostalgic for summer 2k7 = sighs and lovely goodnights.



It's 5:09 a.m. now, It's fortunate that I don't have anything really pressing to do tomorrow.
I got three Christmas gifts boughten and done with today. Shopping with Cpt. Heh down Queen. I like getting things done and completed.

Ohhhh and had a lovely brunch with Cpt. and JL forevers this afternoon.



Heck, today was the best kind of day.
And the good thing is that this month looks like it's going to be more goodness after more goodness.
I love December.


I'm a bit homesick, though. More than glad to be going home in two weeks!