I didn't go to either of the parties that I sincerely meant to go to tonight.
It's a bit of a shame that everything is happening all at once at this time of year. Some nights there are no fun parties but these nights there are multiple fun parties.
First world problems.

Went for dinner and beers with JL and meant to go out afterwards but the detour home ended up being the destination. My stomach was hurting.

Also, going from biking everywhere to walking everywhere is kind of hard on my body.
I guess I could use some good walking shoes. Oh god, I'm getting old.

As much as I'm not big into being cold, I am kind of into getting super bundled up to go walking. The coat and big hood are definitely helping but I think hat + wrapped around scarf plus double-socks plus double-mittens is kind of fun and funny.
I whisper to myself a lot when I walk and especially now my face is more hidden in the hood. I tell myself secrets and make sound effects for the big things I'm imagining happening.

Sometimes I run a bit, too. Take side-streets to skip a bit and no one notices. Make explosion noises just under my breath or sing quiet songs.

I forget how it is to settle into the walk. How at first I am annoyed and can't get into it and only want to stop walking/get there already but then I calm down and zone out and start thinking big things and planning and dreaming and I don't even notice the feet-on-pavement anymore.
Really, really nice.

It's funny how these photos look cold to me now that I was just talking about winter.

Mum took these so don't try to compliment me about it.

Working so many days. Show on Tuesday. Working more days. Parties! Home in a week! Then it'll be my birthday (24th) and Christmas so fast that I won't even be able to believe it. So quick, it comes!