How effed is this?? I want to see this episode! I kinda hope it's aliens and not nazis. Pretty crazy either way.
And actually this one I saw yesterday and it has been absolutely everywhere on the internets, but in case you haven't seen it:
I know, right?
Holy piss it's pissing rain outside and windy, I can hear it. I prefer light melty snow to cold, cold rain. Especially in November! This is not Christmassy at all!
I thought I was going to get stuff done tonight but instead I've been watching tv-on-the-internet and going through my google reader.
Now I'm going to go walk the dog and then hopefully by the time I come home I will be ready to accomplish things like all the gift-making I meant to get done tonight... We'll see!
meredith is exactly one half extrovert and exactly one have introvert
when meredith is rich she will recreate the datsun 210 wagon (in blue)
meredith is poor but happy (except not really that happy)
meredith is a sure thing
meredith wishes she could take her own headshots
meredith can't have any more favourite artists/musicians because they all just die
meredith is still missing her big toenail
meredith gets babes into the sack just by looking at them
meredith's father was not a test tube, he was a turkey baster
"babe" - generally I use this to describe cute dudes. It can also mean just about anything
"deservist" an self-centered, entitled person
"newness" - the freshness of new involvement that I'm addicted to. sort of along the lines of Incubate and Bond
"incubate and bond" - referring to the period of time where I start a relationship with a babe and want to spend all of my time with him and hole-up and never leave the house and tell him all my secrets and hear about everything that has ever happened to him and how he felt about it, etc, etc. This has never ended well
"Maria Christina" - wine, also, my best friend
"party to the moon" - I use this figuratively mostly