I wish I could say I'd have a spare ounce of time before I go home. But I most definitely will not. Blarg.
Not cool. I need to waste less time. Organize. Etc.
Many many many fun party times.
I never did finish off that Thursday evening wrap up.
After the Born to Busk show Sass and I ran over to The Silver Dollar. Boys Who Say No are obviously my new favourite band. I downloaded the songs I could from their myspace the other night to see if I would want to go to see them. Holy Man. I advise you to go and have a listen. If you are a part of my song-of-the-day club, you will be hearing them soon (sorry I've sort of dropped that ball lately).
They are catchy dreamy country banjoey dance-party clap-tracky goodness... With cute boys! What more could you ask for?

Sass and I totes started the dance party! Which would be on my top 5 things to do. Ever. Probably.
We came in and hit the floor and then everyone got up and partied down! My favourite so much so.
Other BFFs were there already so extra party time and also in my top 5 would be "making my friends be friends with each other"
And we danced...

After the show we (sans Sass) headed to Whippersnapper Gallery. To see some art. Two a.m. is the best time for art viewing.
Whippersnapper is rad. I guess I probably don't have to point that out. But it is. And it is near my house, so I can go there, like, whenever I want to. Just sayin.

It's a neat space and fun for after-parties. No stupid grown-ups ruining everything! There was the whole gallery space and yet everyone seemed to congregate in the back room. Makes sense. I was shittered. So.. my memory is spotty at best. Lots of babes though. That's all that counts.

danceparty. Or at least I'm having one, I think

haha creeper

Whoaly photoblog!!!
Still so very much in love with my camera. I've named him Josephine Ng. I think it's fitting, if nothing else.
Friday I went out some lovely ladies to the Dakota Tavern. Because it's our favourite. I felt somehow like I was copping out when I left at 2 a.m. party all the time, etc.

Srsly such a good-looking venue. Like a different world a little bit. Maybe I'll take my mum to bluegrass brunch when she's in town..

people make strange gestures in party town..


Well. I haven't even got to Saturday or Sunday yet, or gotten into how annoying all my jobs are. Or how sick I am of training people, but thank the lord, everyone is so completely nice and lovely that it's hard to be irritated at them.
I'm back to ice cream this afternoon for a bit (cleaning out freezers!!!). Then tonight is the last improv class! Ack!
I haven't signed up for any more classes yet. But I might next sesh. It's obviously something I need to keep doing.
Oh yeah I did the Late Late Horror Show again on Saturday, might as well put those pictures too while I'm on the subject:
There was an astronaut:

some massage therapy:

armless dudes:

and lesbian horses:

oh yeah, I cut my hair and touched up my dye-job:

(Thanks to Notjeremy for taking pictures for me!)