
holy excited

Okay. My hair is way too long. This is just dumb. I always spend all my time trying to grow out my hair and then once it is long I realize that it really just doesn't suit my face. It sort of drags it down. If I had an angular face, it would be way better. But I have the roundest square-face around.
I'm going to go get it cut. Or At least cut it myself. and I'm dying it a darker red, I think. Yes!

I want this blog to be about everything!!!!

Graeme: The best way to avoid getting into trouble with your blog is to never blog about anything personal.
Sass: I'm just way too obsessed with me.

Story of my life.

Had kind of a fun time dinner time party time crazy 8 time visit time last night at Squirly's. Dranks some beers, played some cards, was obnoxious with my camera.
The veggie burger that I had was alright but not great. Just the patty was too boring. The salad was good though, I'll give you that. Not technically, no. I ate it.

Candle-light plus my home-made flash filter made us all look pretty greasy. Which is sexy. Obviously.

Haha that series makes it look like I just hang out with babes all day. Which is 100% true.
But here, here's a sexy lady for you:

It looks like the 70s but it is not! No time warps today!!!

Holy gosh I don't want to go to work tonight! That place is still messy, nothing's sorted and I have people calling me up all the time to see if it's going to be possible for them to plan their lives in the near future. The answer is always no.
I would also like to plan my life.
Good luck.

Mum thinks I should forward that astrology reading on to JTT so he can see for himself that we are Meant To Be.
Good goddamn it would be so, so funny if I met him in real life.
Can we get an online petition going to get him to come here and take me to dinner?
Though I fear it would be the most anti-climatic moment of all time.

Too many fun things going on tonight! Everything should spread itself out better and arrange itself around my work schedule.

Oh, yes. I decided against the domain that I decided on yesterday because it was too boring
and I'm nothing if not EXCITING FUN AND DYNAMIC
starting soon, this blog will be located at

I am also building a photo-gallery of headshots! To use for self-promotion!
I am also going to build an acting promotion website for myself!

You know what all this means..
I need new Business Cards!!!!!!
So many different ones!


I bet if I started mentioning everyone by name I'd get a lot more traffic over here from people google-searching themselves.
I'll consider it.

magic camera
My camera looks like magic because it is