I'm feeling a lot better about my recent decision to name my son "Bearded Fiercely". No, seriously though. Especially with my last name? Awesome.
One of my very favourite Saskatooners wants to name his son "Cash Rocket". Yeah, I would totally get behind that.
Anyhow, I happened upon Sossamon's IMDB page because I linked over from the Moonlight page. Which I was on because of Jason Dohring.
Man, Jason Dohring (previously of Veronica Mars) is really hot. But in kind of an odd way, I mean, he's not particularly good-looking, but there's something about him.. That's why I was watching Moonlight. But I see that he's married. Sigh. I like to have active fantasy lives about marrying semi-famous people.
I was thinking about starting an internet petition/rally to get JTT to go on a date with me.
I'm going to keep on thinking about it. Figure out a way to get it to happen.
It's too bad about Dohring looking a little too much like Dana Carvey these days. Maybe a haircut would help.
I went to see some improv tonight - Saskatoon Soaps. There was a dude who looked sort of like Dohring in it, but with dark hair. Weird.
Good job improv though. I would beyond love to do that show at some point. I think they have a really good set-up and way of going about things. It's sort of part regular scenes and part game scenes. And generally entertaining. Not enough funny women though - but improv usually is short on those.
Man I want to live in Saskatoon sometime and do Soaps and Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan and stuff.
Maybe this will be the year that I formally make my way back into the theatre business. Starting out with The Fringe this year in Toronto. Have I formally announced that on here yet? I'm doing a play! I think I did say that already but still, YAYAYAYAY. You'll be hearing a lot more about that in coming weeks, I'd bet.
The director of the MTV commercials that I did uploaded them to her website.
This is the one you probably hadn't seen (I hadn't seen it until just now): www.wendymorgan.net/work/habits.mov
Eyeballs number 2 (where I dance!): www.wendymorgan.net/work/eyeballs2.mov
Eyeballs number 3 (with the dialogue, even): www.wendymorgan.net/work/eyeballs3.mov
Fun times!
I'm slightly stressed out and a little frustrated with not having been alone for a week. I'm so used to being able to be in my own space with my own things, no irritated on by anyone else. Ah, the give and take of family life.
Also, the complete uselessness of this computer is sort of baffling. Any pictures that have managed to get themselves uploaded are miracles. Tiny irritating miracles that used up way too much of my time.

Also, I'm a little stressed out. Yesterday ended up being beyond good for both me and my friend, I don't give nicknames here, generally, as I tend to want to mention as few details about people and involve them as little in my online drama as little as possible... but this dude probably deserves a pseudonym, which will be Toad. Because it always has been.
Anyhow, I'm not getting into it tonight, but hopefully soon I'll get up the resources to hash some of this out for the internets.
I'll say, however, that he told me that our visit and conversation was probably the best thing for him. And I'll say that he is still not alright. And that I might be able to work him into my life in some way (something that hasn't been near a possibility in my life up until now).
And I'll say that I hugged him in the kitchen and I pulled away and felt awkward for having invaded his space and he said "It's nice to be hugged, no one really hugs me these days". And so I hugged him for a couple more minutes and squeezed his elbow on our walk along the riverbank home.