I have a bit of a worried face this morning. But that's okay. It takes a worried, worried man to sing a worried worried song.
It's great how music is such a powerful memory trigger. I'm downloading Jane Siberry. Map of the World and Speckless Sky and Mimi on the Beach and all of it really is exactly a roadtrip to the lake with my mum in the Datsun. Exactly.
So nice.
At my urging, one of the most amusing dudes that I know of, JPR, has started an agony aunt advice column on his weblog, thewheelyapplegate.wordpress.com. I would suggest if you have any sort of problem, anything at all, that you should send him a quick email - dearjpr@gmail.com.
OMG how is it noon already? I get nothing done, ever. For some reason I woke up at nine this morning. Must have finished being drunk then. Except I thought it was 11 and by the time I realized it wasn't, too bad for me, I was already awake.
Didn't mean to get all shittered last night but I did.
If you ever see White Cowbell Oklahoma then you will see a dude play the guitar with his penis (with a shotglass over it). Once I saw it, a few years ago now. Then one time at skydome I was serving a dude wearing a White Cowbell t-shirt and I said to my co-worker (trying to be all cool and stuff), "Have you ever seen White Cowbell? One of the dudes plays the guitar with his.. ah.. appendage.." and then the customer dude says "Can I tell you something? I'm that guy."
I was embarrassed. Red face red face red face.
Anyhow, that dude owns(?) the bar I was at last night and he was working and I totally made best friends with him and he let me sample beer and I said, that's funny I let everyone sample ice cream at Big Chill and he said I love that store and he said his gf is friends with my boss and I said my boss is crazy!! and then I thought, I hope I live in this neighbourhood forever and am best friends with all the business owners and neighbours and have kids here and they can all play together.
Then I felt sad and half missed Saskatoon and half felt overly-attached to Toronto.
The point is, that dude is real nice, but White Cowbell is not the band for me. And I never really like strippers, no matter how hard I try.
I worked at skydome last night for the first time in forevers.. it was deaddeaddead sucky but luckily I picked up more shifts for this weekend and if I'm lucky I'll be able to make rent!!!
I was hyper and I worked with a pretty fun-times girl who is an actor too (who isn't??) and we made lots of jokes and lists about semi-washed-up celebrities we are in love with.
Was thinking about making a videoblog to send to Ellen to try and get her to put me and JTT on her show together so he would realize that we are Meant To Be. But I can't. :(
It sux being an actor.. especially since I want to be taken (sort of) seriously, it means I have to be somewhat careful about how big of an ass I make of myself.
Shitty buzzzzz.
I don't think you guys are as in awe of me + my camera + photoshop as you should be. You're probably just hiding it pretty well I guess.
I miss all my improv dudez.
Too bad I'm working two jobs on Saturday so I can't go to/do the horror show. Boooo jobs booo
That's rich coming from someone who hasn't worked in like two weeks or maybe more I can't even remember what last I did ahahah my life rules
You know what I like? Laugh lines. I feel like my attraction to dudez (and probably ladies) is directly proportional to how wrinkly their eyes are.
I told my mum maybe it was because she has the best smile lines and then she read a book on beauty and it said that people with older parents (ie: me) are more attracted to wrinkles. Haha, neat.
Dude, I am attracted to you because of you looking like my mumma!