
1 day until home-time

I don't know why I felt the need to wake up at 8:30, I was so planning on sleeping in. Oh, yes, except that I have beyond too much to do. Because I'm an idiot.
Guess how much I've actually gotten done? Nothing.

I'm responsible and on-top-of-things.
In a hot way.
Except opposite of that. I am so remarkably irresponsible, I should be shot. I need a roommate/husband, maybe. Just to make sure I don't let things go to shit the way I'm good at.

Oh good lord there are some emails I wish I could repost on here without getting into piles of shit.
I'll just say that winking-emoticons are never really hot. Neither is saying you want to "get into my pants".
I'm kind of floored sometimes by how babes approach hot ladies.

I wonder if film editors frequently look at people and think "I'll just fix that in post"