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Follow Your Bliss Poster

Follow Your Bliss

Follow Your Bliss

Follow Your Bliss

(Click on the photos if the sides are cut off and you want to see all of it because you love me toooo much to handle)

Such good publicity pictures gotten taken yesterday (by me, natch) for our play. Going to be good! I hope! So much!

I did so much work yesterday, good on me. I don't know why I tend to be such a terrible worker. I seriously need to develop a better skill set for self-induced work.
I need more deadlines in my life. If it is at all vague I will push it off and ignore it...

I irritate myself.

But yes, I did all the photo work and started building the website for our play: guruhector.com.
Looks good so far. So I say.
The good thing about websites and photoshop and other annoying (fun) business like that is that it gets easier and easier. I'm pretty into trial-and-error learning though.

Going to get more done today! I decided! Less party all the time, more working all the time.
I feel really good in this exact moment.
Imagine if I could keep up this level of productivity? With pretty results?
I could take over the world probably I bet.

Also, on the ACTRA site:
