friend: It must be easy to decorate your apartment, hey?
me: what do you mean?
friend: well if it's red or green or Christmas-shaped, then you get it
No but really.
I'm taking pictures of this whole house for you when it is clean and sparkly and just awaiting my mother's arrival.
(And by house, I mean one room plus bathroom, in case it wasn't clear that I live alone, in the attic. crying.)
I'm not a worrier. I'm sort of anti-worry. But I've been worrying more than usual lately and it's totes getting to me. I do not know how to handle it. I feel completely nauseous sometimes. I wonder how people live like this.
I'm way more into my Don't Care High attitude.
It's sexier.
Except. I need to worry. If the worrying makes me be more responsible.
Maybe I just expected some negative character traits (slovenliness, laziness, greed, deservism, etc) to dissipate as I grew older. But they have not.
I might actually have to work on myself.
Shit balls!
I got half of my teeth cleaned today and now my whole being feeling completely uneven.
I'm tired always, except at bedtime.