
meredith, in parts

You know what is nice?
When boys love each other. I mean that in all ways, but today I'm meaning platonically.
Check these two, they're so nice:

One of those two is one of my very favourite people of all time, even though sometimes it doesn't seem like it. But I do just love him so, so much.

Fuck I wish I hadn't caught my thumb so hard in that mouse-trap! Damn you tiny beasts of burden!

You might not know this, but I love my camera. Fuck bromance, electromance is the new hot.

I am severely missin my kittens. Oh sigh sigh.

rerun vs. pigeon

I'm looking into getting a cat. Such issues, though! But if not then I will for surely pet-sit some? Or something. I love them. And wish for them to kill my mice.
Stupid, stupid mice.. I wish I knew how you are so invincible.