Oh no too many yogurt raisins in my belly and three glasses of orange juice to try and recoup my losses from over drinking for the past (year) few days... that made it sound like I totally hurled and I did not.
that I remember.
I made money for once at skydome last night! It was really busy but there were some cute boys and it went by quickly, so, yay!
And then we closed up super fast and got the hell out of dodge and I made it to Clinton's in time to see The Jesse Landen Band, or as they like to be called, Born to Busk. CD release! Two CDs, even! Fun times.
OMG best dancer ever, super super drunk dude and if Sass doesn't put that video up on YouTube soon I'm going to shit myself. I couldn't breathe I was laughing too hard. He fell over onto the stage at one point.. and he had the sweetest rooster moves and head-shakes and jumps.
Oh yeah and no one else was dancing.
Also, later in the set the dude doing the sound and lights went nutso with the strobe and disco ball and changing the lights all over the place! So distracting and awful. That happened last time at that venue too but last Time Sass saved the day by demanding they get turned off.
But good good show though, very nice, looked sharp, and I do really like that music. Uh huh.
Seriously though, you have no idea how late I am right now!

Flickr me to see show pictures which I will post on here later and then you'll be ahead of the game!
Except I have no idea when next I will be able to compute goddammit my life is busy.