To be fair, I advertise this blog to everyone and encourage people to read it.. I assume everyone knows that any interaction they have with me will end up on here.
I realize that when I say something different on here than what you perceived in real time, it can be bad.
And also, when I assume a person doesn't read this, I am more likely to write over-honest about them.
This has bitten me in the ass probably twice this week, if my sitemeter leads me true.
With one especially, I was so convinced that he'd never read this that at one point I wrote this:
"I can write whatever I'd like about him on here because if he ever found this and bothered to read it I would have a heart attack and die of surprise. And then I would eat my hat."
It's not that I'm done with caring and I'm not angry about late night phone calls, I'm just frustrated with the Jekel and Hyde thing that happens when I try and make us actually be friends.
I do quite like him.
Deciding what is actually true, sorting emotions, etc, is hard work.
Such hard work.
Don't worry Graeme, my hoodia is not saw dust, it's CERTIFIED.

Also, I picked the shiniest box - it's all gold and green - so obviously it's the best.
This hoodia experiment is not going to be able to chart seeing as I don't have a scale. Well, I do have a scale, but it definitely isn't accurate. It's over by about 10 pounds, and I'm not just saying that to make myself feel better.
Anyway, hoodia. I feel like I will probably loose weight on this even if it is 100% placebo/sawdust. Because I have now made a definitive step towards my goal. And it will keep me aware that I'm trying to do that. If I take it before my meals, I am aware that I if I eat crap, I will only extend this process. And since it recommends drinking a lot of water with it (obviously) then I will be more aware of that as well. And drinking enough water is one of the biggest weight things. Sometimes when I feel hungry I'm just dehydrated, and even though I know this, I sometimes forget.
Man, being an actor is so shitty. My body is so great, it's pretty much the perfect size ever for me. If I weren't an actor.
But this is my chosen career. And I need to take it seriously and do everything in my power to advance and sell myself.
Which means having a camera body. Which is dumb.
My printer is broken I don't know how I am going to launch the (horrendously) long-awaited next issue of Et Puis? News Magazine.
Guess what?
I'm avoiding doing things I should really really really really really get to!!!!!