
Oh yeah I never told you but I got a sweet new computer chair off the road (classy) and now my life is more comfortable...
Except I've had a headache for three days. Maybe I should shave my head. Maybe I should get off the computer. I'm always on the computer and people are always chatting with me and then accuse me of being online too much but hey, if I wasn't then how would you chat with me? You'd be lonely.
And I'm working so much on here, I can't get off.
Every time I find a dead mouse (which has been about 5 I think now. Omg so infested) I jump clear across the room. I am never expecting it.
They are less cute in traps. Which makes my life easier.
More teeth cleaning this afternoon, going to see a student is good on the wallet and terrible on the time.. I'm hoping to just go ahead and get it all done though. That'd be good. Clean mouth = hot babe.
Then working at Big Chill and serving up the scoops and partying down.
I'm feeling good not partying as extremely but it's sad for you, blog, because it's less exciting.