Last night I worked the UFC event, like I said. And I made a billion dollars and got out of there at about 12:30 (I thought it'd be 2 so I was so thankful).
I wandered over to meet Dollface and her Bay St. gang who had been at the event and who were now at Ultra.
Ultra is the worrrrrst. Hha, clubs are the worst! So ridiculous! I was wearing jeans and sneakers and a stupid tanktop.
I slammed (carla ghee's word of choice) a double gin-and-tonic and then a shot of vodka (serious catching up) and then had another double while Doll and I fucking broke it down on the dance floor. It fun to violently shy away from dudes who try to dance on you. Cowering slightly is also the best!
Dudes like that!
we had some pretty good moves and then I took a tour around the room to find people to hit on but instead I just pushed a bunch of people who were in my way. There was a long table to dance on but I didn't do it. If only I'd worn my 6 inch heels I might have considered it.

this does not give you any indication of how this club sucks, but it's so dark in there (so that everyone looks good!) that you can't take any real photos.
Don't think I don't realize I'm the definition of a hipster since I now take part in ironic clubbing.
Thanks Bay St for the drinks!
Dollface and I were thinking Sneaky Dee's for food after but then Firehorse said house party and when you say house party I say HOW HIGH?
So I rode my bike up while Dollface fought to find a cab and ended up walking up and I went to 7-11 to buy chips and taquitos to bring to the party.
While I was wandering down Spadina waiting for Dollface, I was approached by a terrifying random man who then turned out to be an ex-co-worker who I hadn't seen in a couple of years!
So ooobviously we brought him to the party! finding people who are up for adventure is such goodfortune in my life sometimes.

hahahaaaa so good. good thing we wore our matching glasses. This guy used to have a soulpatch but now he has a beard. Nice work! Nothing worse than a soulpatch and nothing better than a beard. Is that rude?
Almost certainly.

Have you seen have I linked to it before?
"I didn’t realize Matt LeBlanc could grow such an accomplished beard. People shouldn’t be allowed to squander their beard-growing gifts. It should be illegal."
"That’s an especially great beard. It’s no contest. If you think the beardless Zachary Levi looks better, then you clearly need to start reconsidering the way you’re living your life."
hahaaa obviously I think that's great.
One time I saw a crush at a show and he'd shaved his face a bit and I believe my words to him were "what happened to your face?"
him "yeah, I shaved a bit, do you like it?"
me "no!"
the weird thing was that he didn't fall spectacularly in love with me. I mean, I still like to think he has mild love for me, sorta like a little headache.
And he has his patchy facial hair back, so that's something.
The house party was totally random (best kind of house party), didn't know anyone there except Firehorse and the people he'd invited and we found some BUD LIGHT LIME and ate some chips!

Dollface chilled out on the couch and put her face in a Busch!
How many Busch jokes did we make?

Oh yeah, one time this guy and I had Valentine's day dinner together.
At work. It was pizza. we stood at a round table.
Remember when I still had gluten all day every day? THAT WAS THE BEST.
Signed my lease!
We will have central air so you can come and lie around in bed eating bonbons with me all summer when it gets so stupid hot you want to die (remember how summer is coming, apparently? when is that!?).
Now that I signed the lease I feel like I can put pictures up here instead of just private-blog.

My room! My own tiny balcony and a stained-glass window. Plus a closet! I've never, ever had a room with a closet. Think about that. No, that's not true, I had a closet when I was very little before my downstairs room. Still, it's been a while since me and closets had a party together.

where that TV is there? I want to make that into a little nook where we can sit, facing out, banquette-style sort of and make crafts or play boardgames or hang in general. that's what I want!
terrible quality, I know. screen-captures from my phone from the website which was cached but not online anymore.

kitchen! So excited! I have wanted a door onto a balcony from my kitchen forever and forever. I will take my coffee out there all the time, thank you.
I want to get a family portrait done when we have all the roommates together. Then if anyone ever moves out I will scratch out their faces.
I'm going to make us all matching flasks. Leave me alone to romanticize the roommate experience.
Firehorse and I are so excited to live together. Hopefully the honeymoon lasts forever? Probably, I bet.

I bet babes will walk by my balcony a lot. And then I can yell at them!
I will put Christmas lights up and no one will be surprised.
I'm very excited. In case you were wondering.
I can't wait to have a dinner party like a lady.
Election tomorrow. I feel nervous. I was getting all riled up like maybe I believed that somehow we'd actually stick it to Harper in some way... but now I just feel nervous about it.
If I were the praying type, I'd definitely be doing some of that.