Do you ever want to punch your own self in the face?
Yeah! Welcome to my life!
Sorry for that whiny, repetitive blog entry I spat out at 4 in the morning last night.
I have this weird theory sometimes that I am hard done by, which is pretty much opposite of the truth.

today I such a nice walk in the park with Kaya, now I'm at home with a cat on lap, eating pasta with sundried-tomato pesto and extra-old cheddar on top.
I'm cleaing up a bit and canceling my internet service.. thinking about how I'm going to pack and move my entire adult life.
Yep, the extreme fear and stress and nerves about moving are starting to set in!
That good thing is that I'm still super excited for my new apartment and for living with Firehorse and for all our new neighbours and being beside my favourite bars and
being able to have dinner parties!!

oooohhhh lordy, lordy.
I'd like to please get a new computer soon. Anyone?

I like the part in making out where I sort of start to forget everything about who I am kissing and it becomes more about just the sensations and the physicality of them and I don't remember that they hate ketchup or love horses or write boring emails.
All the good and the bad things and all the emotions wrapped up sort of drift away and there's just an interaction of bodies.
so if I ever ask your name, I'm not an asshole, just romantic. (?)

ohhhh neverrrr mind